Smile and Wave by Ben Gumeringer in Bismarck, North Dakota

Ben Gumeringer’s feed puts North Dakota on our radar for gorgeous photo opportunities! He captures the beauty and solitude of natural landscapes of forests, sunsets, rivers and more. Find out more about what this state has to offer and follow along @bengum.

Name:Ben Gumeringer

Place you live: North Dakota

Occupation: Photographer

Preoccupation: Traveling, food over the fire, and my family.

Place your Instagrams were taken? Bismarck, North Dakota

Can you sum up Bismarck? North Dakota is the most slept on state. The ability to find a beautiful landscape in any direction you go is something I really appreciate about it here. This state has definitely shaped me into the person and photographer that I am today.  

What is a perfect day in Bismarck? Waking up, getting some caffeine in my system, hopping into my car with my camera, driving around North Dakota, jamming out to a CD mix of random tunes, and creating photographs by myself or with other rad human beings!

If Bismarck was a person or character who would it be and why? It would be that person you can’t quite figure out, but that is what you love about them.

How long have you been using Instagram? I have been using Instagram seriously for about the past two years.

Do you shoot with your phone or other cameras or both? I shoot with a Canon 5d Mark 3 and iPhone.

What is your editing process? I use VSCO for iPhone shots. Then I use Lightroom for photographs from my camera.

Has Instagram/phoneography affected how you shoot? Instagram has pushed me to get out and shoot new stuff as much as possible. The platform allows me to share all of my hard work and I am really grateful for that.  

Can you give a couple tips to aspiring Instagram photographers? Don’t worry about the number of followers or likes you have. Photograph and share what you love. Life is too short to not have a good time.

Who are your three favorite Instagrammers? Pinning it down to three people is tough. So many talented people use Instagram. I am going to narrow it down to three I have been stoked on lately: @shainblumphotography@chrisburkard@kpunkka.

Want more Instagram tips and inspiration? Check out all of our Best of Instagram features and learn from the masters.

Want to be featured on our best of Instagram series and bask in the glory? Follow Global Yodel on Instagram and tag your best local shots with #GlobalYodel!


Name:Ben Gumeringer


Best place to eat/drink:

Terra Nomad

Best outdoor activity:

Hiking, camping, and river activities.

Must do:

Go to Theodore Roosevelt National Park and watch the sun set over The Badlands.

Local tip:

Smile and wave! We are all friendly here.