Nothing To Do Here in West Deptford, NJ, USA
This is my friend AJ. We’re at a community center not far from where I live. It’s right on the Delaware River so you can see Philadelphia directly across the water. It’s a gorgeous sight filled with hills and lots of space that I enjoy photographing. A very peaceful place.
Place you live: New York, NY & Sicklerville, NJ
Place your photo was taken: West Deptford, NJ
Occupation: Photographer
Preoccupation: Photographer/Art school student
A perfect day in Sicklerville? When the sun is out and there’s little traffic! It’s the perfect time to roll your windows down and blast some tunes.
If someone was visiting, what must they do? I would definitely say a trip to Philly is in order since it’s so close. Then maybe a trip to Atlantic City or New York. There’s little to do around my town besides the malls and shopping centers, which get boring quick.
A perfect meal in Sicklerville? A perfect meal can be found right under my roof, my mom is my favorite cook. However if you want some quick bites I’d say Nick’s Pizza, which is a local pizza place that in my opinion has the best pizza in South Jersey.
What is the best thing about Sicklerville? The majority of my friends and family are here in the area, so whenever I’m home from New York I’m surrounded by really awesome people.
A little known fact about where you live? Kelly Ripa is from Berlin, NJ which is 10 minutes from Sicklerville. That’s the most interesting fact about my town and it’s not even about my town. Ha!
Where is your favorite place in the world? New York without a doubt.