Lake Cunovo by Zuzana Mitošinková in Bratislava, Slovakia



Name:Zuzana Mitošinková

Place you live: Bratislava, Slovakia

Place your photo was taken: Lake Čuňovo. Čuňovo is the city part of Bratislava.

Can you sum up the place you live? Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia. I live in Bratislava and I was born in Bratislava, but I prefer a places outside Bratislava. Slovak mountains, old villages, forest, garden etc.

Occupation: Educationist

Preoccupation: Literature and illustrations of children books, photography, tourism, animals, work with children, music.

What is a perfect day? When I´m with my boyfriend, friends and family.

If someone was visiting, what must they do? Have a fun.

What and where is a perfect meal in the place you call home? In my home – apartment. I like to cook and bake.

What is the best thing about your spot? My boyfriend and crazy little rabbit Maya.

What is the worst? Not to have ideas, inspiration and motivation. Be bored.

A little known fact about Bratislava? We have a cheap beer and nice girls, hehe.

Where is your favorite place in the world? It´s a more places which I would like to visit, so I don´t know answer now. But I like mountains, trees and old houses.
