Ft. Tilden Beach in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Ft. Tilden is one of my favorite places in NY. It a place to escape, yet a place that other parts of the city escape to also. So you end up with some of the city there. The landscape is sparse and barren. You can see nature winning out against the old military buildings that that were placed on top of it once upon a time. The place can be completely packed or totally empty depending on when you go. Its strange and relaxing yet familiar and exciting.
Place you live: Greenpoint. Brooklyn, NY
Place your photo was taken: Ft. Tilden Beach, Queens, NY
Can you sum up the place you live in a short paragraph? Can I sum up New York in a short parargraph…… Nope.
Occupation: Photographer
Preoccupation: Sundays, road trips, warm nights
A perfect day in NY? 75 degrees, a bike and a homie. There are a million things to go check out. I’m not even half way through my list.
If someone was visiting, what must they do? Walk, until you think your feet are going to fall off.
A perfect meal in NY? Lately it is Xian Famous Foods in China Town.
What is the best thing about your spot? I live on the edge of this neighborhood called Greenpoint. Its nice little place that I can manage by myself. It has a bunch of windows.
What is the worst? How far from the train it is and how much noisy traffic there is in front of my house.
A little known fact about where you live? It was built on top of an ancient burial ground.
Where is your favorite place in the world? Morocco maybe? That is a tough one. everywhere has its certain charms. You just got to figure out what they are.
Who are your three favorite photographers? Today they are August Saunder, Paul Graham, and Phillip Lorca-Dicorcia.