Nostalgic Feel in Corona Del Mar, California, USA
Corona del Mar is located about 45 minutes away from me (Anaheim). The first time I visited this place, I was blown away. The houses are tall with beautiful shiny windows and expensive cars sitting in front of the garage doors. The roads are spotless and are perfectly flat. In this photograph I was finishing up a shoot I had done with one of the models I had worked with. As we were walking back to the car It felt like that moment you see in a movie, where someone is laying down in their bedroom smoking a cigarette and the lighting going through the window is a mix of light/dark blue. The sun was ready to hide behind the end of the ocean and I had to capture the moment in order to take with the memory with me wherever I’d end up living in 10 years. I’ll never forget the sweet weather in Orange County.
Place you live: Anaheim, California (Orange County)
Place your photo was taken: Corona Del Mar, California
Occupation: Student
Preoccupation: Photographer
A perfect day in Anaheim? On a friday afternoon while the sky looks orange mixed with purple.
A perfect meal? A vegan or vegetarian dish!
A little known fact? Anaheim is known as the place where Disneyland is located. It’s a beautiful place with nice weather and very touristy.