Heading to Rockaway by Anna Shelton in Portland, Oregon, USA

When the sun shines in Portland it’s a revelation. Everyone is out in the streets with their hands raised and their eyes closed and I’m not even kidding. You can feel the energy radiating off people. Having said that, I think a quintessentially perfect day in Portland has more to do with the rain and the beautiful silvery-green palette it provides.

Name:Anna Shelton

Place you live: Portland, Oregon

Place your photo was taken: A hidden pull-off on Oregon Route 6 heading to the coast.

Occupation: future horticulture therapist

Preoccupation: photography and music

A perfect meal? It’s hard not to rave about the food in Portland. There is something for everyone here, and our food cart scene is becoming unmanageable. Lately my favorite sandwich comes from a fine establishment called, Meat, Cheese, Bread. It consists of roasted green beans in a bacon relish with soft-boiled egg and parmesan. It’s heaven.

FYI: Portland’s Forest Park has over 5000 square acres. It’s the largest urban wilderness in the country.

