Baking on the Roof by Gernot Goluch in Vienna, Austria

Baking on the roof in summer in the 15th district (poorest district in austria), but at least we look down on this Habsburger Schönbrunn castle and the rich (13th district) with all you tourists. 😉

Name:Gernot Goluch

Place you live: Vienna, Austria, 20th district, near Donauinsel (Danube island)

Place your photo was taken: On top of my old flat, looking down on Habsburger castle Schönbrunn.

Can you sum up your spot in Vienna? It was formerly quite a bad area (red light, working class…) the area I currently live in (2nd & 20th district) is becoming more and more popular, gentrification at its finest. Parks like the Augarten, areas like the Prater or the Danubeisland make it a perfect spot for spring, summer and autumn days in this town.

Occupation: IT

Preoccupation: Mountains

What is a perfect day in Vienna? Come in summer, when it’s baking hot, streets are empty and people even grumpier than usual.

Wander around – everywhere but not in the 1st district – get sweaty, have some coffee, a cigarette perhaps, then after some time go to Gänsehäufel (open air bath) or Danube island and enjoy the water, those smiling faces, the joy until sunset.

If someone was visiting, what must they do? Do what you want, whatever you like, but don’t visit Schönbrunn!

What and where is a perfect meal in the place you call home? Go to Naschmarkt (big market in the middle of the city); but to be honest we are better when it comes to drinking (coffee, wine, beer…), so don’t stay too sober…

What is the best thing about your spot? Sarcasm, dark humor and being left alone when you want to be left alone. (but also when you don’t, so do not hope to receive quick help when getting lost)

What is the worst? Dogs and their owners – if you want it hardcore I suggest visiting dog zones in parks around vienna.

A little known fact about where you live? Vienna is the 3rd biggest “german talking” town – useless but somehow interesting fact.

Where is your favorite place in the world? Mountain ranges (all year round) wherever I’ve been. Joshua Tree (CA) I think beats it all until now.
