Can Anybody Hear Me? in New York City, New York, USA
Place you live? NYC
Place your postcard was designed for: NYC
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Preoccupation: Making things with my hands
A perfect day in NYC? A day spent wandering the city with no particular destination in mind.
If someone was visiting, what must they do? Walk from 34th street to Water Street.
A perfect meal in NYC? Joe Shanghai’s soup dumplings
What is the best thing about NYC? The sheer variety of people, experiences and ideas.
And the worst? Rent
A little known fact about where you live? Roughly 1 in 3 new yorkers were born outside the US
Where is your favorite place in the world? I have a crush on San Francisco
Who are your three of your favorite designers/illustrators? Curtis Jinkins, John J. Custer, TwoArms Inc.