Chipinque by Mariana Garcia in Monterrey, Mexico

Monterrey is a city full of mountains, Chipinque is one of the most beautiful there is, it’s a mixture of forest with mountain essence.

Name:Mariana Garcia

Place you live:  Monterrey, Mexico.

Place your photos were  taken: Chipinque, Monterrey

Occupation: Photographer

Preoccupation: Graphic Designer, Animal lover, Love to cook for my fiance and myself.

A perfect day in Monterrey? Sometime in spring at a pool or a day in autumn walking the dogs.

A perfect meal? Alfaro, is this place with beef tacos that i’ve eating since my childhood, Iku is a delicious Japanese restaurant or maybe Taqueria Juarez, located downtown for mexican appetizers.

A little known fact about Monterrey? The sun is mean. These times of violence are harsh but there’s something about the city that makes you love it.
