Jon Sweet’s Local Guide to Seattle in Seattle, Washington
I think Seattle is much more than skyscrapers. It is surrounded by beauty, amazing mountain ranges and beautiful water landscapes. I believe my photos will show the beauty of the area around Seattle. There is so much to see in such little time.
Occupation: Male barista and photographer
Place you live: Seattle
How would you sum up Seattle? Seattle is one of the most unique cities I’ve had the opportunity to explore. So much fun and so many great people. I love the Seattle culture. It’s amazing. Oh, the coffee too; it’s incredible!!
Can you sum up the people of Seattle? The people of Seattle are very diverse. You have the city folk and you have the chill almost-hippie bunch. It’s a city filled with awesome people.
What are the three best outdoor actives in the city of Seattle? Golden Gardens, Gas Works Park, and The Arboretum.
What was the experience like shooting for a campaign to promote Seattle to the world? It’s quite an honor. I love this city and am glad I can be a part of the team that photographs it!
Describe a perfect day in Seattle: A perfect day in Seattle has to be gloomy with maybe a little bit of rain. You have to start the day by going to Milstead Coffee for an incredible Americano. Then joining friends and family to explore the city’s great locations for food and entertainment. Seattle can take you for a ride if you just jump in. I think spontaneity makes the day all the more worthwhile.
What do you love about Seattle? COFFEE!!!
What would be surprising about Seattle to an outsider? It depends where they come from. I know that you have never seen a coffee culture like Seattle’s though!
If Seattle was a person or character who would it be? Tom Hardy.
Can you give a couple of tips to aspiring Instagram photographers? Just be you and let your account be yours.