Kid by Rob Hornstra in Utrecht, the Netherlands

One of my neighbors (his name is Kid) lives on benefits and is often in trouble with the police. He has a child whom his ex-girlfriend, who lives elsewhere, forbids him from seeing. Recently both of his snakes died.

Name:Rob Hornstra

Place you live: Utrecht, Netherlands

Place your photo was taken: (should be where you live or within an hour car ride): At my neighbor’s place

Can you sum up Utrecht? Since 2004 I have lived in a district named ‘Ondiep’, which is a working-class neighborhood and considered one of the worst in the Netherlands. For several years it has been undergoing reconstruction and renovation, as a result of which both I and my neighbors will have to move. I am documenting this process.

Occupation: Storyteller

A perfect day in Utrecht? When it is raining, nobody is shouting on the streets.

If someone was visiting, what must they do? Visit my neighbors. Take some free cigarettes for Kid.

A perfect meal in Utrecht? Usually in my own kitchen, vegetarian Thai Curry.

What is the best thing about your spot? It is safe

What is the worst? The air is polluted in Utrecht.

A little known fact about where you live? Every year at least one person commits suicide by jumping off the Dom tower (112 meter) in the middle of the centre.

Where is your favorite place in the world? North Caucasus, Russia

Who are your three favorite photographers? Jim GoldbergRafal Milach and Adam Broomberg / Oliver Chanarin before they became sophisticated.
