Pine Trees Dripping in Anacortes, Washington, USA
In the alley on the short walk home from the grocery store I saw a pile of dirt (not soil, not gravel, just garbage-y dirt) with a torn up evergreen tree heaped on top. This seemed like a good emblem of my small west coast town in 2010; post frontier days, post pioneer roughness, post extraction economy, just piling the elemental planet materials back behind the fence. An accidental diorama of geological history and destruction.
Place you live: Anacortes, Washington
Place your photo was taken: In the alley on the way back from the grocery store.
Occupation: “artist”
Preoccupation: Why does Anacortes feel different to me than everywhere else?
A perfect day? Walls of fog on all sides, pine trees dripping.
If someone was visiting what must they do? Go into the woods, then go down to the beach, then go in a lake, then get dry and drink coffee.
A perfect meal in Anacortes? Eating a fish on the beach, and coffee.
A little known fact about where you live? Mount Erie is an old volcano core.