Rain or Shine in Miami, Florida

Let’s explore Miami, Florida with local photographer Jenny Abrams. Be sure to check out her vibrant Instagram feed for a taste of the local life here: @ShaynaBatya

Name: Shayna Batya

Place you live: Miami

Occupation: Visual Storyteller

Preoccupation: Disc Jockey (DJ Banal)

Can you sum up Miami? Lots of harsh light, fortunately there are palm trees to relax under with Cuban coffee to drink.

What is a perfect day in Miami? There are so many things to do in Miami but for me the most simple things are my favorite. Definitely some time spent by a body of water, whether it’s Biscayne Bay or the ocean, there’s nothing better than the saltwater. Grabbing a fresh juice from any of the Latin restaurants is a must. My favorite would be Maracuya (Passion Fruit) juice from Sabor A Peru, one of the best mom and pop Peruvian restaurants.

If Miami was a person or a character who would it be and why? Definitely “The Mask” – a bi-polar city that doesn’t know if it should rain or shine, but definitely knows how to party and have a wild time.

How long have you been using Instagram? About five years.

Do you shoot with your phone or other cameras or both? Both. I try to not resort to using my phone so much, but sometimes it’s the quickest tool. It really depends on the circumstance, but I always carry my actual camera with me.

What is your editing process? Super simple. I like to do minimal editing on my photos. I usually just adjust curves in Camera Raw, but sometimes apply and edit film filters in Lightroom too.

Has Instagram/phoneography affected how you shoot? It hasn’t affected how I shoot, but it definitely effects where I choose to post my work. I used to stick just to my blog and tumblr, now there are so many media outlets, it’s hard to be consistent in all.

Can you give a couple tips to aspiring Instagram photographers? Stop worrying about likes, just shoot.

Who are your three favorite Instagrammers? @mustafahabdulaziz, @josecabaco, @arnold_daniel




Best place to eat:

Pubbelly Sushi

Best place to drink:

Wood Tavern

Best Park:

Museum Park! There are lots of good parks, but this one is in my neighborhood and provides beautiful views of Miami from the backyard of the amazing Perez Art Museum Miami and the soon to be finished Frost Science Museum.

Outdoor activity:

Anything along a body of water or in a body of water. Nothing better than going for a bike ride, kayaking, or walking down the beach with a salty breeze hitting your face.

Local tip:

4pm is “cafecito” time. Find an authentic Cuban spot (you can find one in most parts of Miami), and grab yourself a colada. You won’t regret it.