Streets of SF by Bryan Stokely in San Francisco, California, USA

San Francisco is a weird place full of weird people. I try to capture both of those things in one image and show some of the weirdness, sadness, humor and beauty that this city has to offer.

Name:Bryan Stokely



people watching

Tell us about the place you live:

San Francisco is a city of contradictions. It’s where technology meets poverty, where natural beauty and manmade beauty intersect. For me it’s a city with so much potential, but occasionally falls short. It’s a creative city full of creative people and a beacon of tolerance in a sea of intolerance.

A perfect day?

Any day when I can take nice photos is a perfect day.

What is the best thing about your spot?

The natural beauty.

What is the worst?

The homelessness

What would be surprising about this place to an outsider?

The weather. I think the first thing tourists buy when they arrive is a sweater.

Before I die I want to visit:

Every country

Who are three of your favorite artists?

Bob Dylan, Elliot Erwitt, Sebastiao Salgado


Name:Bryan Stokely

City:San Francisco

Favorite place to eat:


Favorite place to drink:


Favorite shop:

Green Apple Bookstore

Local Tip:

Bring a sweater

Must Do:

Visit Lands End